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力学所在”National Science Review”上发表论文

  • 日期:2017-10-20
  • 1013

近期,力学所姜宗林研究员和俞鸿儒院士在National Science Review上发表论文Theories and technologies for duplicating hypersonic flight conditions for ground testing(优先出版)。该期刊2016年的影响因子为8.8,居全球综合类科技期刊第五名。论文系统介绍了力学所在发展和构建高超声速复现风洞理论和JF12复现风洞技术体系方面取得的原创性重大科研成果。复现风洞理论及其技术体系奠定了我国在高超声速地面试验领域的国际领先地位。 

  2016年,姜宗林因该成果获得美国航空航天学会地面试验奖(AIAA Ground Test Award)。AIAA奖励委员会在评价中写到:他们的工作达到了大型高超声速风洞的世界领先水平,创造了爆轰驱动高超声速复现风洞,其设计不用移动部件,能够比传统激波风洞产生实验时间更长、能量更高的实验气流。(Jiang’s work has advanced the state of the art in large-scale hypersonic test facilities, which are necessary to test air vehicles at speeds above Mach 5. Jiang and his team created a hypervelocity detonation-drive shock tunnel capable of duplicating flight conditions at speeds ranging from Mach 5 to Mach 9 at altitudes between 20 and 50 kilometers. Jiang’s design uses no moving parts and generates a longer test-duration and a higher energy flow than more traditionally designed tunnels. 

图1 长实验时间激波风洞的理论体系图