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海报/"Numerical modelling of contact line dynamics"专题讲座

  • 马佳慧
  • 日期:2025-02-19
  • 45

讲座时间:2025年2月24日 14:00-16:00

讲座地点:雁栖湖校区西区 教1-305

讲座题目:Numerical modelling of contact line dynamics


Stéphane Zaleski,索邦大学科学与工程学院教授,2009至2018年曾担任达朗贝尔研究所所长(隶属巴黎六大)。Zaleski教授的主要研究方向是多相流数值模拟,涵盖开源软件开发(SUFFER和PARIS Simulator)、气泡和液滴动力学、湍流及相变问题等多个领域。Zaleski教授曾获法国国家科学研究中心CNRS银奖,入选法兰西大学研究院IUF高级成员(Senior member)和美国物理学会理事(APS Fellow)。此外,他还担任计算流体力学旗舰期刊《Journal of Computational Physics》副主编,是多相流领域的国际一流专家。


Among the most difficult issues in CFD is the very wide range of scales involved in some problems. Attempts at investigating the contact line problem have been made coming from various theoretical and numerical frameworks, the closest to first principles being molecular dynamics, while diffuse interface methods and sharp interface methods with several variants have also been put forward. Experiments are obviously difficult. Efforts were made on a number of typical cases, including plunging and withdrawing plates, a sheared droplet, sessile droplets on oscillating or accelerating substrates, menisci in nanopores and the hydrodynamics assist problem. The issues involved in nucleate boiling and accelerated sessile droplets will be addressed both from the point of view of experiments (performed by various colleagues from MIT and Tokyo University) and from the point of view of simulations.